Do you need uPVC window lock repair or replacement near me?
The Perspicacity Life have local independent locksmiths covering the UK, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales subscribed to this resource, ready to attend your uPVC window lock emergency.
How do I find my nearest local locksmith?
The Perspicacity Life website has “find a locksmith” search functions, enabling you to find your nearest independent local locksmith geographically closest to you.

Are you experiencing any of these uPVC window lock issues?
- uPVC window handle operates but my window will not open.
- My uPVC window handle has broken off.
- uPVC window is open, and I can’t close it.
- All keys have been lost for my uPVC window handle.
- Window has gone back against itself hard in the high winds and the hinge is bent.
- When opening and closing my window it is very stiff.
- The fitment of my window is very bad and draughty.
Mobile local locksmiths will be able to help with a wide variety of uPVC window lock repair work, carrying an extensive range of espagnolette window locking mechanisms and window handles in stock completing your uPVC window lock repair on the first visit.
What is the most common uPVC window lock issue?
The most popular call out for locksmiths is a jammed uPVC window.
Why is my uPVC window lock jammed?
The most common reason your uPVC window is jammed locked, is the espagnolette window lock is broken. Either the centralised centre case is broken or one of the mushroom drivers is now not operating keeping the window in the locked position.
How will the locksmith open and fix my uPVC window lock?
- Locksmith will use his skill and lock knowledge to open the window.
- Remove window locking espagnolette and have a look at the operation and function, identifying any issues.
- Once the fault has been found either the uPVC window locking mechanism will either need servicing or the centralised centre case will need to be replaced or possibly the whole window lock depending on condition and lock function.
- The uPVC window may need to be adjusted allowing the correct fitment of the window and the frame.

What are the most popular uPVC window locking mechanisms?
There are approximately 34 different window espagnolette locks in production currently. The local independent locksmith attending your uPVC window lock repair will need to identify which window lock you have to be able to replace the broken parts. It must be a like-for-like replacement as parameters such as lock backset and fitament requirements need to be exact. The only deviation from this is if your uPVC window lock is obsolete and a closest fit replacement can be retro fitted to allow your window to be functional and secured.
Most popular uPVC window lock centre cases fitted throughout the UK:
- Kenrick Excalibur.
- Maco MK1 or Mach 2.
- Mila Prolinea.
- Roto.
- Saracen.
All uPVC window lock espagnolette makes by manufacturer.
Are you looking to replace your uPVC window lock mechanism? If so, these are the window lock espagnolette mechanisms that could be fitted in your window; Avocet, Laird, Maco, Mila, Nico, Roto, Saracen, Trojan, TSS, Versa, Vitawin.

Do you need a cable restrictor fitted to your uPVC window?
You may need a local locksmith to fit you cable restrictors to your uPVC windows if you want to limit the amount your windows open. This can be a crucial element in window safety as they enable windows to open up to 100mm to prevent falls and prevent entry through a window. Cable restrictors are also easily fitted so multiple windows can be fitted fast and efficiently.
By using cable uPVC window restrictors you can still open windows and doors to allow air circulation but secure in the knowledge that vulnerable people are not at risk.
Cable restrictors also usually have a key operated lock that when unlocked will release one side of the cable restrictor allowing the window to be fully opened, if required for any reason. Make sure you place the key out of reach of vulnerable people or children.
The Perspicacity Life have given you an insight into uPVC lock repair and replacement and how a local locksmith will be able to assist you with your emergency window lock requirement. We have locksmiths subscribed to this great resource covering the entire UK, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Cable restrictors also usually have a key operated lock that when unlocked will release one side of the cable restrictor allowing the window to be fully opened, if required for any reason. Make sure you place the key out of reach of vulnerable people or children.
The Perspicacity Life have given you an insight into uPVC lock repair and replacement and how a local locksmith will be able to assist you with your emergency window lock requirement. We have locksmiths subscribed to this great resource covering the entire UK, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Find a great locksmith on The Perspicacity Life