Support TPL
Let's work together to improve online visibility for local locksmiths
The Perspicacity Life has worked hard to bring you this great resource; marketing local independent locksmiths professionally and connecting customers with great locksmiths. The Perspicacity Life ask all locksmiths, shops and trade units, lock suppliers, wholesalers, neighbourhood watches, crime prevention websites, lock brands and manufacturers, door and window companies, and any business that wishes to support TPL, to link to us today!
Feel free to use the TPL monogram below to link to any page on The Perspicacity Life website.

Why is linking to TPL important?
Backlinks are one of the most important search engine optimising ranking factors, demonstrating to search engines like Google, that your website has authority and trust. More links correlate to higher search engine ranking positions.
Benefits of linking your website to TPL?
This means The Perspicacity Life will rank higher in the Google search results site wide. This will bring more visibility and website traffic to all pages of the website, therefore resulting in your locksmith business being more prominent, generating more leads in your local area.
Locksmiths connect with us
Social media is very important for brand awareness, exposure, and popularity in 2024. The Perspicacity Life will promote locksmiths and this website resource across the UK but would also ask that locksmiths, security professionals, lock brands and manufacturers, share posts of interest and ideally follow us so we can connect and grow, bringing further exposure to relevant points of interest in promoting locksmiths and all things locksmith!
How to link to us
Copy the address of the TPL page you want to link to and paste it into your website. If someone else manages your website, just ask them to link to us, should be straightforward for them.
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The TPL Monogram
Link to us
If you're a locksmiths lock manufacturer, locksmith wholesaler, or locksmith shop, or in the wider security sector, you can add the TPL monogram to your website and link to either TPL homepage or a page of interest on the website to bring site visibility up in Google.
Register your locksmith business on The Perspicacity Life